"I was born of the brilliant and magnificent egg, and my substance is of the same nature as that which composes light."
"I was born of the brilliant and magnificent egg, and my substance is of the same nature as that which composes light."

Yaldabaoth Is A Thoughtform


When most people reach that part in life where they make the decision to reject Christianity for a more personal spiritual path, they’ll say things like the god of the Bible isn’t real or is man made. Well, they are certainly correct in saying its man-made, but the entity is still very “real”. What we’re dealing with here is an energy known to occultist as an “Egregore” or “Thoughtform”. Thoughtforms can actually be created out of the occultist’s Mind and Will to serve him in the same way that established deities, guardian angels, demons, and ancestors serve people who venerate them. Man/Woman being the true Creator has the ability to do this and its energy can indeed influence the physical world in very real ways.

When we speak about Yahweh aka Yaldabaoth, the blind foolish god of the Bible, we see that over 3 billion people worldwide venerate this entity. Throughout history there have been people who have slaughtered countless men, women, and children in the name of this entity in order to establish its Will. For something to shape world history the way it has and not be “real” is a misunderstanding.

Someone created the Thoughtform of Yaldabaoth in a remote past and spread its influence using the Bible and other methods. While this being has little to no power of itself having no physical form, we see its Will carried out by its followers who are always the heads of State trying to control. We see omnipresence being attempted by satellite, camera, and voice recordings. We see omniscience being attempted by data gathering and surveillance. We see omnipotence being attempted by all the weapons that are created and controlled. Finally, we see the obsession of wanting to control, and punishment for those who don’t obey. It would almost seem as if there was an agenda to manifest this entity into the physical. Who is it serving? Just food for thought…


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