"I was born of the brilliant and magnificent egg, and my substance is of the same nature as that which composes light."
"I was born of the brilliant and magnificent egg, and my substance is of the same nature as that which composes light."

What Is Spirituality?

Spirituality is not a set of any dogmatic rules, beliefs, or practices. One may choose to meditate, pray, collect crystals, perform rituals, and/or eat vegan. These all can be beneficial, but these things do not make a person spiritual. We are all spiritual beings by Nature, so to embrace spirituality is simply being conscious of and drawing closer to your true nature. It is knowledge of Self.

Each person’s path to self-realization is uniquely their own and no one will have the same journey as someone else. What you may perceive as a sin may in fact be the spiritual liberation for another, and your own spiritual liberation may be seen as a sin to someone else. A loosely defined dichotomy is made within Esotericism between the different spiritual paths towards self-realization. These are known as the Right hand path (or Dakṣiṇācāra in Eastern tradition) and the Left hand path (Vāmācāra in Eastern tradition).

Many are already familiar with the characteristics of the Right hand path. The RHP is defined as being any system where the ultimate goal is uniting with the Godhead or Source in the afterlife. This is believed to be done by believing in and obeying the Will and Laws of God. Therefore, all mainstream religions by default fall under the RHP classification. Other characteristics of the RHP are a belief in a universal moral code that clearly defines good and evil, belief in the concepts of karma or divine judgement based on moral decisions made during one’s lifetime, and the acceptance of social norms.

The Left hand path is defined as those traditions that teach that the individual Self can be akin to God through spiritual insight, and reject the idea of needing to accept or obey a higher power. If belief in a higher power exist, LHP adherents view their relationship with it as a partnership, or an alliance which does not require subservience. Good and evil are relative in the LHP’s view and social convention is rejected, therefore taboos are often embraced as being legitimate practices for spiritual liberation. Magic, especially sex magic, is often used in ritual and it is believed that the forces of the universe can be harnessed to one’s personal Will by magical means, and that power gained and wielded in such a manner is an aid to self-realization or enlightenment.

Gnosticism can be viewed as a Left hand path tradition, for it rejects mainstream religion, its dogma, and its idea that one needs to submit to the Will of a deity. However, the ultimate goal within Gnosticism is to escape the prison of the material world/materialism and reunite with the Divine, which is the ultimate goal within RHP traditions. In truth, characteristics of both the LHP and the RHP exist within all spiritual traditions, just like how there is a little “yin” in the light side of the circle and a little “yang” in the dark side of the circle. The RHP and the LHP is often seen as being “good” and “bad” or “light” and “dark”, but they should not be treated as such. Both paths are equally as valid for attaining self-realization. Remember, no one’s path will be the same. What works for you may not work for others, and vice versa.

The most important thing within spirituality is following your heart or your True Will. Within the Teachings of Ptahhotep, the oldest wisdom texts in the world coming from Kmt (Ancient Egypt), it is written:

“Follow your heart as long as you live.
Do not make a loss on what is said,
do not subtract time from following the heart.
Harming its time is an offence to the Ka (spirit).
Do not deflect the moment of every day
beyond establishing your heart.
As things happen, follow your heart.
There is no profit in things if it is stifled.”

The heart is where your spirit, your True Divine Essence, is located. To get more in tune with your heart space is what spirituality is all about. When you are able to know, understand, and follow whatever is your heart’s True Will and Desire, then you are on the correct spiritual path towards self-realization. Let me briefly add that to follow the “True Will” within your heart does not mean to do whatever you want, nor does it mean to impose your Will onto someone else. The heart produces Love and therefore your True Will will always manifest itself through Love and operate in harmony with Nature. Any desires that would harm yourself and/or others is a product of a faculty within the mind (the Ego). Perhaps this is a concept I will address in a future post…

Peace, Love, & Balance


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