“The ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental. The Universe is Mental – held in the Mind of the ALL.” – The Kybalion
According to the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism THE ALL is an universal, infinite, living mind. THE ALL exist within all, and all exist within THE ALL. Everything that exist within our material universe is but a manifestation of thought into the physical. Thought is the seed of existence; from one single idea, everything appeared here.
Manifestation is the turning of non-physical ideas into physical actions. When your phone rings, you first process the thought in your mind that the phone is ringing. You then decide in your mind if you are going to answer the phone or not. If your Will is to answer the phone, you will then do the physical action of reaching for and answering the phone. All of this happens fast – in less than a second, with thoughts moving faster than the speed of light and many times subconsciously, but thought is still the beginning of the process.
If thought is the seed, the mind itself can be thought of as the womb. The quality of the mind is going to determine the quality of the thoughts it produces, and the quality of what is manifested is determined by the quality of the thoughts that brought it about. A good mind will produce good thoughts which in turn will manifest good actions and so on. A bad mind will produce bad thoughts which will manifest bad actions all the same. Therefore one should be conscious of the mentality they choose to have. Do you find yourself often having bad days where you feel nothing is going right or the world is against you? If so, a changed mind may be all that is needed to turn things around. You may be at a job that you don’t like but you don’t have the ability to work somewhere else at the moment. Instead of thinking in the morning “I hate this job, I can’t wait until it’s time to go home”, maybe start thinking “I don’t like this job, but I am grateful that I have it so I can pay my bills and keep my stomach full, and I know there are many others in worse situations than me.” Developing a more positive attitude and mentality will manifest more positive outcomes in life. Obviously in certain situations, changing your mentality will be easier said than done, but the end result makes it all worth the while.
The mind is so powerful that every thought that it conceives can be made manifest into the physical. However when thoughts are manifested into the physical, they will for the most part be imperfect compared to how they were originally perceived within the mind. This is due to the “imperfect” or limited nature of the universe in comparison to the unlimited and boundless nature of the mind. This doesn’t mean sitting around doing nothing and thinking things into existence without any physical effort though. To give you an example: there was a time before the invention of aircraft where humans thought about flying. Of course it is physically impossible for humans to fly using their bodies but two individuals, the Wright brothers, invented a way to make flying happen. Using the raw materials of the planet along with understanding and using the universe’s laws and principles (gravity, physics, mathematics, etc), the Wright brothers through their invention of the airplane were able to manifest their thought of flying into a physical reality. It might not be exactly like what the original thought of humans flying may have been, but it is still the thought of flying manifested nonetheless. When you create a thought in your mind that you wish to manifest physically, the next step is making the proper moves and actions to make it so.
One of the many things my parents repeated often to me growing up was “you can do whatever you set your mind to”. I always believed and held onto that, and as an adult today being within this fold of knowledge I can see how that is absolutely true. All that you want to achieve, anything that you want to change, everything begins as a thought within the mind. Choose to change or control your mentality and thoughts, move accordingly through those thoughts and watch them manifest within your physical reality!
Peace, Love, & Balance
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