Never forget the Reality of Duality within the Universe. Everything is dual in nature (positive/negative, hot/cold, etc), this is explained in the Kybalion as being the Hermetic Principle of Polarity:
“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”
It’s raining where I am at today. Many times people associate storms with negativity and melancholy moods due to the gloomy weather. However, the storm is a necessary component of our life on this planet. The rain from the storm replenishes the Earth and all the life that springs from it so that when the storm has finally passed and the Sun is shining again, everything can come back in full bloom.
You can metaphorically apply this to your personal life….everyone goes through hard times, or a “storm”. While life might feel gloomy while in the midst of your situation, try to see the positive aspect of it. Dealing with a break up is an example; instead of focusing on what the person you ended a relationship with might have did (or didn’t do) to hurt you, feeling resentment towards them, or getting stuck on how things could have been different, focus on the lessons that can be learned from the relationship…i.e. things you like in a boyfriend/girlfriend, things you dislike, things that worked in the relationship and things that were mistakes. This way here you can grow and hopefully be more successful in your next relationship.
Many want to always be surrounded by light, positive vibes, and happiness and don’t want to deal with and face the dark, negative, and sorrowful aspects of life. They forget the principle that light is blinding if there is an overabundance of it, and they fail to learn the life lessons that are taught by the darker aspects. Therefore, these people usually never see the full reality of the world we live in. Of course, those who abide in nothing but darkness also cannot see the full reality of things, and they do a disservice to themselves by not being able to see the beauty and opportunity in what they perceive as being faulty and meaningless. Polarization on either side leads to an incomplete picture of life. Never forget the dual nature of the Universe. There is positive in every negative situation…the yin and the yang.
Peace, Love, & Balance
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