"I was born of the brilliant and magnificent egg, and my substance is of the same nature as that which composes light."
"I was born of the brilliant and magnificent egg, and my substance is of the same nature as that which composes light."

The Personalities of the Monad (Revised)

The chart above is a simplistic one that explains our connection to God. The Monad is the Source from which all things emanate or flow.  A singular point that is an infinite source of potential. In our analogy, we will liken it to a flashlight or light bulb.

From the Monad emanates the Nous. The Nous is the Intelligence, the active principle, or the Mind in which everything exists. It is what is called “The All” from the Principle of Mentalism within Hermetic thought. In our analogy, we will liken it to the light itself that emanates from its source.

From the Nous emanates the Soul. The Soul is the psychē, or the conscious and unconscious mind as it is commonly understood. In this context, it is both the collective consciousness of living things (the World-Soul) which in turn emanates the individual consciousness within the manifested personalities. In our analogy, the Soul is likened to a prism which the light shines through. When light is shone through a prism, it separates into different wavelengths that form a rainbow of colors.

From the Soul emanates the personalities and the manifested world. Just like how all of the colors of the light spectrum may be different in wavelength and measurement yet stem from the same Light, so does consciousness and the material world manifest itself in many different forms, yet all still share the same Source.

In this way, one can better understand the gnostic idea of the “Divine spark” that exist within us all and our connection to the Source. It is through gnosis that one comes to know and have the realization of this understanding in their personal life.


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