"I was born of the brilliant and magnificent egg, and my substance is of the same nature as that which composes light."
"I was born of the brilliant and magnificent egg, and my substance is of the same nature as that which composes light."

Deification of the State

It has been said that all the major religions and spiritual systems of the world, from the ancient to the modern times, have had their origin within the Ancient Mystery Schools of the Nile Valley civilization. It was the Initiates of these schools, the Adepts, that went out to teach the laymen the exoteric or “outward” teachings of life and the Universe and were revered as Gods, Avatars, Prophets, and Master Teachers. Each one of these enlightened individuals would teach divine principles in a way that their audience and nation would be able to relate and understand, along with only teaching them enough that they were ready to receive. The higher degrees of knowledge were for those who had gone through the proper initiatory rites within the Mysteries. Thus this would create an atmosphere where spirituality was very personal and adaptable, being able to be expressed in countless ways. This is what lead to there being a plethora of different gods and goddesses within the different ancient systems. Despite the many different deities and systems, the underlying esoteric or “inner” teaching behind them all was and eternally is the same….that God is within Man. “Man know thyself; then thou shalt know the Universe and God.”

The idea of a single, organized religious system where everyone conformed to the same beliefs and expression of worship came with the coming of Pharaoh Akhenaten of the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt and his system of Atenism. Atenism replaced all the generations old traditions of the Ancient Nile Valley and their pantheon of deities for the worship of single deity known as the Aten, which was the physical solar disc in the sky. Now an understanding of the Ancient Egyptian esoteric teaching along with the meaning of the symbolism being used is needed and important. The Adept knows that all of the different deities of the pantheon were merely all different aspects of the One, the ALL, the same principle as the Monad in Gnosticism. Therefore, when it is said that Akhenaten brought monotheism to the Nile Valley, understand that that statement is false, for the understanding of the One was already known. Atenism was not about having people believe in and worship one god or the sun, it was about getting people to conform to one mindset, a hive mentality, in order to control the People.

Now I will explain the symbolism. The sun has historically been used as the most proper symbol for the masculine, active principle of creation. Ancient and philosophical texts speak about how God (or the Masculine principle) is the active force that imposes His Will upon Matter (or the Feminine, receptive principle) in order to create the cosmos. It therefore also represents the Will. This example is also seen in the Earth (a symbol of the Feminine principle) being receptive to the Sun’s (a symbol of the Masculine principle) energy in order to produce life on this planet. Thus the sun also becomes a symbol of God. As mentioned earlier, each of the deities within the Egyptian Pantheon were all aspects of the One, the ALL. Amen-Ra, who is often called the chief Egyptian sun god by mainstream Egyptologist, was in fact a personification of two of the divine aspects combined; Amen meaning “hidden” or “unseen” and Ra roughly meaning “creative power”. So from Amen-Ra you get “the hidden creative power/unseen Creator”. This hidden creative power referred to the force that animates all life, which can be identified today as being Spirit, or the active principle in creation. This creative power was symbolically represented with the image of the sun, thus the reason for modern Egyptologist identifying Amen-Ra as being a sun god.

Now that you have an understanding of the symbolism, you will be able to understand better the change that was taking place in Ancient Egypt’s religious system. Up until this point, the Aten was only seen as being the sun disc in the sky, not as a deity or an aspect of God. This change in thought suggested that God was something external, separate and above man in the sky, watching down and unreachable. This new thought then brought with it the idea that since God was unreachable to the common man, there was a need for a mediator. Akhenaten became that mediator. Author Lorraine Evans points out in her book ‘Kingdom of the Ark’ the following: “Akhenaten frequently emphasized that he, and he alone, was the go-between for this new divine life of Egypt. The sole god of Egypt was now mediated through Akhenaten. At the close of the ‘Great Hymn to the Aten’ (which is very similar to Psalm 104) it says:

“There is no one who knows you, except your son, Akhenaten”.

Those words are very similar to those attributed to Jesus who is said to be the Messiah:

“All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” – Matthew 11:27

Keep in mind that the ‘Great Hymn to the Aten’ was written over a thousand years before the Gospel of Matthew would have been written. Akhenaten being the sole mediator between god and his people, Akhenaten’s word was god’s word, his laws were god’s laws, his commands were god’s commands.

At this point it should start to make sense to you the reality of the situation here. Akhenaten’s act of disbanding the traditional religious systems of the Nile Valley and replacing them with Atenism was an act of destroying and hiding sacred knowledge and the State taking full control of the affairs of people’s lives. It created a society where instead of people being free to express God and themselves in their own way, they were forced to conform to the State’s ideology and forced to follow and obey the Will of the State, their new god. Thus the reason the State properly used the symbol of the Sun as a reminder; the eye in the sky is always watching.

It is said in mainstream scholarship that the Atenist religion died with the death of its founder Akhenaten, but one who studies the symbols and signs knows that this heresy has survived all the way into the modern day in many different forms. The cult would spring up again in Ancient Rome as the cult of Sol Invictus (Latin for “Unconquered Sun”). The Roman Emperor Aurelian in 274AD established the cult as an official religion of the Roman Empire alongside the other traditional Roman cults. The god Sol Invictus was favored by the Emperors after Aurelian and his image would be minted on their coins all the way through to Constantine I. Constantine would then combine the traditions of the Sol Invictus cult and the traditions of the other Roman cults with a reconstructed message of Christ to form the Catholic Church. It is for this very reason it is called the Catholic Church, for the word Catholic means universal. Constantine’s intentions, like Ankhenaten’s before him, were to have everyone under one universal religious umbrella in order to get the people to conform to one unified ideology and expression of worship that favored the agenda and Will of the State.

Though Constantine claimed to be a Christian he still had the Sol Invictus symbolism minted on his coins, established Sunday (the day of worship for Sol Invictus) as the official day of rest for Catholics (as opposed to the original Sabbath on Saturday) and still wore the solar crown during the dedication of the new capital Constantinople, confirming that he was still an Atenist at heart. Constantine was also influential in the creation of the Nicene Creed which established the orthodoxy of the Church which declared Christ as god and part of a trinity.

After the orthodoxy was established, all the other Christian groups like the Ebionites, Arians, and Gnostics that had beliefs that were contrary to the Catholics were considered heretical and majority of their scriptures were gathered and burned. The birth of Christ also became identified with December 25th, the same day that was believed to be the birth of the sun, Sol Invictus. The Catholic Church, which claimed itself to be the legacy of Christ, was in fact the new face of the Atenist ideology, with the Pope being the representation of Christ on Earth and thus the new mediator between the people and the Divine. The political power and control of the Papacy would come into full realization during the Middle Ages with the rise of the Holy Roman Empire and the onset of the Crusades.

Some even suggest that Hebrewism/Judaism is in fact the same as or developed out of Atenism, a theory my next post will explore as it ties together with what the concept of Yahweh/Yaldabaoth represent, which in my previous post I said I would explain coming forth. I will wrap this post up by giving two examples of the Atenist ideology showing itself in the modern era.

Adolf Hitler had ordered to be referred to as a deified messiah. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s chief propagandist, said in a broadcast on April 19th 1936, that “Germany has been transformed into a great house of the Lord where the Fuhrer (Nazi Germany’s leader aka Hitler) as our mediator stands before the throne of God.” So here you see that the attitude in Nazi Germany was that of Hitler being a sort of “son of God.” Thus Hitler’s word also became law, and was treated as divine law. It is also worth mentioning that if you dig deep into Nazism’s history and background you will know that it is deep rooted in the occult.

United States President Barack Obama has never made a serious reference to himself being god or the son of god, but he has jokingly made references to himself being a messianic figure sent to save the planet Earth. We have all however witnessed the masses being in awe of his election, giving him almost a God-like complex, some even referring to him as a messiah. Under his administration we’ve witnessed the same continuing agenda that the State has always had with the abuse of federal powers, and the erosion of people’s rights and privacy in the name of “security”. Due to social politics in America Obama is the perfect smokescreen, for there are many that ignore his actions against liberty because they see him as being able to do no wrong, or just see him as being better than the previous President. What many fail to understand is that it matters not if it’s Obama or Bush, the agenda of the State remains the same.

The deification of the State is what the entire idea of organized religion is all about. Throughout the ages it evolved and took on many different names and outward forms. When Church and State became separate in the modern era the agenda then became secularized, but the objective remained the same, control. Even with Church and State supposedly being separate now, the ideologies and theologies that the mainstream religious institutions teach still serve in favor towards the State. This is done by instilling into their religious dogma that it’s God’s will for the People to obey the laws of the State. Another teaching that plays into the State’s favor is the passive approach to social justice, teaching that God is an invisible man in the sky who with enough prayer will make all your woes go away. While prayer is important, it is not stressed enough that God does not work for man who sits idle waiting for a change. God works through man and his actions. “Faith without works is dead.”

If they would only realize their own divinity within themselves and acted on it instead of waiting for something to come out of the sky, they would be controllers of their own destinies. Of course, this is not what the State wants.

Peace, Love, & Balance


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