"I was born of the brilliant and magnificent egg, and my substance is of the same nature as that which composes light."
"I was born of the brilliant and magnificent egg, and my substance is of the same nature as that which composes light."

Addressing A Critique About “Orisha Rulers of the Zodiac”


Santería practitioners are always the ones pestering me about how the Orisha have nothing to do with the Zodiac and astrology, so let me go ahead and address this now.

A Santería practitioner saying that the Orisha have nothing to do with the Zodiac/Astrology is like a Christian saying Christ and the twelve disciples have nothing to do with the Sun and the Zodiac. Those of us who know the Mysteries however know there are correspondences there.

So now apply this to Santería and the Orisha. If you tell me that the Orisha within the RELIGION of Santería have nothing to do with Astrology and the Zodiac, you’ll get no argument from me. But even those who practice Santería should know that the Orisha aren’t exclusive to their religion. Candomblé, Palo, and Vodou are a few others who invoke these archetypes as well, and all of these newer systems stem from the ancient original source known as Ifá. Interestingly enough, the Ifá practicing Africans from the continent that I know never have an issue with my article.

With my “Orisha Rulers of the Zodiac” article, I never claimed that finding your Orisha within the context of Santería has anything to with your astrological sign. My article highlights twelve known Orisha that can correspond to those same energetic archetypes within astrology. Others have done this for the Ancient KMT (Egyptian) pantheon as well as the Norse pantheon. I thought it would be cool to do one for the Yoruba pantheon since I hadn’t previously seen one.

I hope this clears things up for those who had any discrepancy with the article.

Peace, Love, & Balance